Friday, March 6, 2015

Tofu Tacos

I love Tofu. I know a lot of people say that it's not good for you because of the hormones but I think if you have anything in excessive amounts it isn't good for you. This is the second time this month we have eaten tofu. We don't drink the milk although I don't think it's bad to drink as long as it's not everyday. There are great nutrients in tofu. It is full of protein, iron,calcium and has no cholesterol. There are many other nutrients, the list goes on and on. I made these tacos with some homemade hempseed and chia tortillas topped with Habanero Garlic Sauerkraut . I am making more of this sauerkraut today I love it so much.

My whole family loves tofu. When I first met my husband he thought it would be disgusting. Finally after 5 years he finally tried it and loves it. He loves these tacos(minus the kraut) and if he likes it I would think everyone would like it because he is the pickiest eater I have EVER met.

I package Firm Tofu
Olive Oil
Taco Seasoning
3 drops Lemon Essential Oil (make sure it's a good quality you can eat)
Himalayan Salt

Black Beans
Serrano Peppers

Cut tofu in squares. Add olive oil to pan just enough to coat. Add tofu. Add lemon oil. Sprinkle taco seasoning on tofu. How much depends on your taste. The more you put the spicier it will be. Cook until taco seasoning is incorporated and tofu is hot. Salt to taste. Place in tortilla and top with toppings and squeeze some lime juice on top.

 Hempseed Chia Tortillas
1 1/3 Cups Masa(corn flour)
1 1/8 cups water
3 tablepoons olive oil
1/2 tablespoon unsalted garlic powder
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 tablespoon chia seeds

Mix together ingredients.  Take some of the dough and roll into a ball about an inch. If the dough seems too wet add more masa. If it seems to dry add more water. Flatten the ball of masa. I flatten it with both hands from side to side. If it gets sticky I'll wet my hand a little bit. If you have a tortilla press your life will be much easier! Place on a skillet on medium high heat and cook both sides til they have brown spots. 

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