Mykah my second son's birthday was a few days ago. Where does time fly? He is 5. I still cry when I think about him being born. If you did not know, Mykah was born premature at 32 weeks, 3.2 pounds. So yes this boy has been on a journey! We all have. My oldest still talks about how small he was and how he had "all those wires" on him. How it made him sad. Birthdays for him are always a little more sentimental for me. Not that my other kids aren't but his birth was one of the most painful times in my life. Seeing him 5 is just so precious to me. I'll need to write a detailed story of his birth one day.

We originally were going to let Mykah open one present on his actual birthday and do a cake and then do the whole shaaabang at his party.When it came time to open his present it didn't feel right without singing with candles. I immediately thought of donuts I saw on pinterest and it just happened my neighbor brought us some that day! I put some sprinkles and candles on, lit it up and sang. All the boys were too happy to grab a donut!
His present. He doesn't want to leave Buzz alone.
Just enough for everyone
Memories. :)
His buzz light year is so cute!